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Know your environment

The Shoreline Design landing page is where you create and manage your projects and cases. The video below walks you through the main features available.

See the following pages for more details:

Know your environment

Login screen

You need to log in first with your personal user credentials: email and password.

If you forget your password, you can click on Forgot password. This will open a new page where you can enter your email to request a password reset.

In case you experience any trouble, you can always access to Shoreline assistance by clicking on Get assistance at the bottom of the web page.

Log out

You can log out by clicking the Log out icon.

User profile

From your user profile, you can edit and change the name associated with your account and your account password and view your subscription expiry date.

Update your password or change your account name

  1. Click on your name or email address in the top bar.
  2. In the Change password section, enter your current password before entering a new password and confirming it.
  3. In the Basic information section, edit your first and last name.
  4. Click Save.

Team settings.

Review and update access information for Design Construction and O&M for your team members.

Documentation and support

Access support documentation by clicking Support & Documentation in the top toolbar. Quick search the documentation or contact support directly using the help icon at the bottom left of the page.


The notification centre (bell icon) contains all information relating to case errors.