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How to create a DPR template

You can define what the DPR will contain with the template builder. Once you have selected all information desirable to be shown in the daily progress report, the template can be chosen when creating a DPR in the Reports section.

In order to create a DPR template that includes the desired information you need, you will need to go to the menu bar and select the 'Reports' tab and select 'Progress reports' in the sub-menu.

This will take you to the page where you will see all existing templates as well as have the ability to create a new template. In order to create a new template, you will find the action button on the bottom right corner.

Click on 'Create new template'. This will open a form in which you can define the information needed in the template. You will need to define the following:

  • Template Name
  • Signatures: What names you will need for approval signatures
  • Report Sections: What activities you will want to track in the reporting

You can also rename the different titles of the activity, but please be aware some fields (such as 'Start time' and 'End time') are specific types, such as time, number, and references to specific items.

  • Example: Even if you change the title from "Manpower" to "Transport", the transport list will not be generated on this field - the "Manpower" is an integer field, and will only accept whole numbers, even though you change the name.

You will need to check the activities you want to track. You can always uncheck those activities you do not want to track in you