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Part two: Create assembly and installation tasks

When you’re happy with your outputs, you can start to add the assembly and installation tasks for your project. The instructions in this section are less detailed, since we covered basic navigation in part one. If you’re unsure of anything, please return to that section to check.

In part 2, we will model the following:

  1. Assembly of components
  2. Tower
  3. Floating tower
  4. Floating WTG
  5. Component transport to wet storage
  6. Installation of floating WTG

Step 1: Add an assembly crane

The assembly tasks will all take place at Ferrol outer harbor (ES) and will use the same crane. The first step is to add the crane to our case.

Clear the simulation runs to unlock the case for editing.

Go back to the Build section, click on Logistics, select Crane, and then select an Onshore crane. Only 1 crane is required, and the port should be Ferrol outer harbor (ES). Change the processes to something appropriate. The Maximum capacity should be 1 since only one task will be conducted at a time.

Step 2: Create component assembly tasks

You need to create the tasks listed in the table below, all of which should use the crane your added in the previous step. The aim is to log the various steps of assembly of the WTG on the floater so components can arrive just in time—particularly key for floaters which take up lots of space.

Click on the Assets tab and select your WTG. Go to the Tasks tab. Create the tasks in the table below using the Assembly Task type.

Two important things to note when creating tasks:

  1. Add dependencies, otherwise the simulation engine must guess the order of the tasks to be performed. You can select Some for the Dependency. Here is an example for 5\. Assemble towers:
  2. Component names must always use the same spelling and capitalization. The tool will prompt you to select a previously created component name to help with this.

Step 3: Add the new output components to the Ferrol base

You created three new component types on the tasks in the previous step. You need to add these in the Inventory Managementtab of the Ferrol outer harbor (ES):

If you’re not sure how to do this, refer to part one, step 6.

Step 4: Simulate!

Check that you modelled everything correctly by running a simulation and observing the outputs. The S-curve should look something like this:

If your simulation fails, or you notice any anomalies in your S-Curve, go back through steps 1–3 to check you entered everything correctly.

Step 5: Add vessels for transport to wet storage and installation tasks

You need to add 2 vessels for transport and installation:

  • A harbor-based tug to transport the floating WTGs to the Ferrol wet storage (ES).
    • Construction Design requires a component transfer vesselfor this, so you to make sure your processes are altered to accommodate this smaller vessel type:
      • Under 3.0 - Transit to Loadoff Port set Speed to 3 kn.
      • Under 5.0 - Loadoff, set the Duration to 4 hours.
    • Name the vessel Tug COTV at Ferrol.
    • Set the Port to Ferrol outer harbor (ES).
  • An installation tug to install the Floating WTGs at sea.
    • This should be a towing vessel.
    • Name the vessel Installation tug.
    • Set the vessel’s Port to Ferrol wet storage (ES).

Step 6: Add the transport to wet storage and installation tasks

We're going to model the transport of the floaters to wet storage, since in the real world it is unlikely that it will be possible to stock multiple floating towers and floating WTGs at the assembly port.

Create the following tasks:

Step 7: Simulate!

If you have modelled everything correctly, you should again see 2 green runs. If not, return through steps 5 and 6 and check your inputs.