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The output tab of your cases displays graphs of simulation data and provides output report and project plan downloads.

This page details the metrics and key functionality of the output tab.

Percentile values vs p runs

Most data in the output page is displayed for the percentile value you select at the top of the page, meaning a single graph can pull data from multiple simulation runs.

Two exceptions: the S-curve and the inventory management graphs. These two graphs use data from a single simulation run, a p run, which is matched to your selected p value.

If you require average values across all simulation runs, you can either select the P50 value or download the output report and refer to the average calculations found there.

P run

Shoreline ranks your simulation runs in ascending order based on campaign end date. From this ranking, individual runs are aligned with specific p values, which you select on the output page in the dashboard. The p run that aligns with the p value you select is used to display the data in your S-Curve and inventory management graph.

The position of a p run in the overall ranking will depend on the total number of simulations you have run. For example, if you run 100 simulations, the P10 value will correspond to the run in the 10th position when ranked. If the dataset has a different number of runs, the position will vary, but it will still represent the same percentage of the distribution.


Key metrics

Campaign duration: The duration of the simulation for the selected percentile in days. Determined by when the final logistic process on the final task concludes. This is statistical output calculated on all simulation run campaign durations.

Campaign end date: Date upon which the final logistic process on the final task concludes. This is a statistical output calculated from the campaign end dates of all the simulation runs.

Personnel utilization: The aggregated yearly personnel utilization per team. See the personnel utilization section for full details.

Logistics utilization: The aggregated yearly operation days and aggregated yearly utilization per logistic. Aggregated yearly values are calculated by summing and dividing by all the operation days and available days throughout the entire simulation period, not from summing the yearly values and dividing by the number of years. See the logistics utilization section for full details.

Cumulative tasks completed (S-curve)

The S-Curve provides an overview of the cumulative task completion over time. Use the S-Curve to visualize your project's progress, identify where you can reduce gaps in your scheduling, or use the milestones to tentatively plan vessel availability windows.

The calculations for your S-Curve are based on the p value you select and come from the corresponding p run. You will only see data from a single run in your S-Curve.

Each point on the S-Curve represents a day where at least one task was completed during the simulated construction process, e.g., a WTG installation. Hover over a milestone to see more details of the tasks completed that day.

Inventory management output

The component stock level changes during the simulation p run.

See the inventory management page to learn how to set up this feature.

Task group and average task duration

Task group (total)

The time taken in days to complete a group of tasks related to an individual asset.

A task group is a task assigned to an asset as carried out across all asset instances. For example, if you create two assembly tasks (Assemble tower and Assemble tower and floater) and your asset has 100 instances, there will be task groups of 100 Assemble tower tasks and 100 Assemble tower and floater tasks.

Task durations vs logistic utilization

The task group duration metric can be lower than the logistic utilization for the logistic used to carry out the task.

There are two reasons for this:

  • Task duration is measured in days, but accounts for partial days, leading to decimal figures. Logistic utilization counts partial days as one day.
  • Logistic utilization covers the entire logistic operational period from mobilization to demobilization, whereas task duration only covers the time from the completion of the first loadout to the completion of the last task installation.

Task duration (average)

How long the average task of each task type, e.g., Installation, took to complete on an asset instance.

Task group end date

The date upon which the task group for an asset was completed.

Personnel time spent

How efficiently personnel time is spent during work hours. Broken down by personnel group, this output shows the percentage of time spent working against time spent travelling, being picked up, and being dropped off.

  • Work ongoing
  • Drop off at turbine
  • Pick up at turbine
  • Travelling on vessel

Personnel utilization

Number of days personnel were utilized per days available in a given month or year

Aggregated values are derived by adding together the values from all the relevant days in the simulation and dividing by the number of days the personnel were available.


For a given year of the simulation, we have these values:

  • Personnel in a group: 15
  • Personnel used per day: 5
  • Number of possible workdays: 300
  • Number of non-workdays with weather that would’ve allowed work: 12

Personnel utilization is derived with the following calculations:

  • 5*300 = 1500 working personnel
  • 15*(300+12) = 4680 total personnel available
  • 1500/4680 = 0.3205 = 32.05 percent personnel utilization in the given year of the simulation

Logistic transfer utilization

The transfers (drop off or pickup) conducted by a logistic on each asset.

Logistics utilization: operation days

The number of days the logistic was in operation.

A day is counted when the logistic operates in it all. For example, if a logistic operates from 08:00 Monday to 00:01 Tuesday, that is counted as 2 operational days.

This metric often exceeds the relevant task group duration. See the Task durations vs logistic utilization section for details.

Logistics utilization

The percentage of available days that the logistic was in operation.

An available day is any day where the logistic is available for operations.

Calculation: Operation days (total) / Available days.

Weather downtime per logistics unit

The percentage of time a logistic was available for operations but spent idle due to bad weather.

Transfer logistics (CTVs, SOVs, DCs, and helicopters) register weather downtime on all applicable days they are available for work, regardless of whether they are scheduled to work or not.

Large logistics (HLVs, CIVs, towing vessels, cranes, AHVs, feeders, and CoTVs), i.e., those with processes, only register weather downtime when a weather restriction prevents the logistic from performing a step in a process.

Calculation: Bad weather hours / Available hours

Weather downtime causes

Contribution to vessel downtime by weather type as a percentage of the total weather downtime.

Contribution to vessel downtime by weather type as a percentage of the total weather downtime.

Use these calculations to establish where vessels with greater environmental tolerance can improve project efficiency.

Weather types include the following:

  • Wind speed
  • Significant wave height
  • Swell wave height
  • Wave period
  • Zero up crossing period
  • Limited by daylight
  • Minimum tide
  • Minimum visibility
  • Current speed
  • Limited by lightning
  • Time restrictions

Weather limitations apply to logistics process steps. You won’t see weather downtime causes for CTVs, SOVs, or helicopters, which do not feature processes.

How weather causes are calculated

The percentage value you see for each weather type is the vessel downtime in this period caused by the relevant process, step, and weather type divided by the total weather downtime for the vessel throughout the entire simulation.

A period can be any of the following:

  • Month
  • Year
  • Aggregated month
  • Full simulation

For example, if there's a 20-percent occurrence of wind speed exceeding the weather limitation during step 1 of process A on vessel X, this contributes to the overall weather-related downtime for that vessel over the entire 10-year simulation period if the simulation years = 10.

If the criteria for multiple weather types are exceeded, downtime is registered for all applicable causes. This is why the total weather cause percentages might exceed 100 percent. In this case, weather types will have overlapped at some points, e.g., there were periods where windspeed and minimum visibility both exceeded the criteria threshold for operations.

Time restrictions

Any time restrictions you have created on your case are counted as a weather type in the weather causes output report tab. If your case includes multiple time restrictions, they are grouped together in the report as a single weather type (TIME_RESTRICTION).

Reports and logs

From the new output page, you can download the following reports:

  • Output report (XLSX)
  • Project plan (CSV, XLSX, XML P6 Primavera)
  • Project plans – all percentiles (ZIP (CSV, XLSX))

There are also several raw logs available for download:

  • Milestones log
  • Process cycles log
  • Task status change timestamp
  • Transfer task log
  • Visualization log

Logs comes from the p run for the selected p-value.

Log filenames follow this structure: projectID_caseID_fileName_SimulationRunStartTime_RunID.csv (e.g., 232_3090_SomeLog_2024-04-15-0653_d29f9118-664a-45b3-abcf-a983711336e3-1.csv).

If a log is not available, the tooltip will tell you if your need to rerun your simulations or whether your case configuration doesn't allow for this log output.