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Schedule optimisation

The scheduling is the automatic planning in the Execution tool. For planning purposes, the weather forecast and the work order information are as important as the available resources like employees and transportation. The automatic planning should create a rational plan based on the given information and take the basic tasks into consideration, giving the Planner a trusted and resourceful tool as well as the possibility to focus on other important tasks.

This explains how exactly the scheduling process works and how it should be handled.

The scheduling can be triggered in the work order list and the planning mode. The following text uses screenshots from the planning view, please note that the buttons and actions are identical.

The text below explains how the scheduling is done.

  1. Go to "Planning" in the menu

  2. Click on "Add new" to create a new draft

  1. Give the new draft a name and click "Build schedule"

  1. A new draft calendar is created - to optimise the schedule, click 'Optimise' on the bottom.

  1. Select the time period (start date and end date), work orders, personnel, and transport, and click 'Optimise' when ready.

Note: The earliest start and latest finish dates will be sent to the simulation, and our intelligent engine will come back with the planned dates of the WO. If the earliest start date and the latest finish dates are not set on the work order, the simulation will use the earliest and latest dates in history.

During the schedule optimisation, a form of loading animations will pop up including validating, simulating, and optimising.

Scheduling Steps

  1. Prevalidating: The system is now validating and preparing work orders, personnel, and transports for simulation.

  2. Simulating: Simulating your schedule.

  3. Optimising: Execution is now optimising your schedule.

  1. After a successful simulation, the "Optimise" button becomes green, and the planned work orders will become visible in the timeline. You can, at this point, change the schedule how you please. Once you're ready to make this schedule live, click the "Submit live" button in the lower right corner of the timeline.

To view the 'Optimisation' results, go to the top right of the window and click on "Optimisation archive". Then click the 'View' icon (see below).

This will open the 'Optimisation archive' tab, which shows all of the outcomes of the Shoresim optimisation, including activities created from the work order, available transports, and relevant and available personnel. You can view what was planned and see hints on how to improve the simulation. Open 'General hints on how to improve the optimisation' by clicking the drop-down arrow on the top when viewing a result:

You will also notice the 'Sent to simulation' tab. This shows all work orders, transports, and personnel that have been sent to the Shoresim engine for 'Optimisation'.

The Sharing tab allows you to select other users who are to have access to the optimisation result.

Further steps of the planning process are shown in the article Planning mode.