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Adding personnel to a team and work schedule

Assign personnel to teams and create work rotations from the Teams section of the Execution web app.


  1. Navigate to Resources > Teams in the left-hand menu.
  2. Check the relevant personnel in the Personnel table.
  3. Click Assign to team at the top right of the table.
  4. In the dialogue box, complete the required information for the schedule.
  5. Click Save.

Work schedule parameters

TypexThe rotation type. You can configure these in your account settings.
DescriptionxA custom description for the schedule.
Rotation recurrencexDaily, weekly, or custom (define days on and days off).
Repeat everyxEither number of days or weeks depending on Rotation type.
Rotation start and end date/timexDefine when date and time for when the rotation begins and ends.
Shift start timexWhen relevant employees begin work on a shift day.
Shift end timexWhen relevant employees end work on a shift day.
Work packagesConfigured in the Work packages. Will be automatically filled with relevant packages if you select a Team and Team position.
TeamAssign the personnel to an existing team if required.
Team positionConfigured in Account settings.
Add travelCheck to define travel days either side of the rotation or work schedule.
Offshore base
Mother vesselsRelevant SOV.

Adding rotation and solving rotational conflicts

Solving rotational conflicts and assigning multiple team members

Assigning rotations to multiple team members

If you click Assign to multiple, you can select which employees the rotation should be assigned to.