Sorting, filtering and searching for personnel
On the Personnel page under Resources, you can filter, sort, and search to find the right personnel as quickly as possible. The filter allows you to filter based on work packages, department, roles, skills, rotation type and custom fields (Show more).
Download options
You have multiple download options on the Personnel view, you can download
- Table of all personnel with their details, this is a CSV file.
- Skills matrix that shows which personnel has which skills and skill groups and what the skills statuses and corresponding dates are, this is an Excel file.
- Skills are color coded to indicate validity:
- Green: Valid
- Amber: Expires soon
- Red: Expired
- Blue: Pending
- Skills are color coded to indicate validity:
- Individual personnel CV that shows their experiences and skills, this is a PDF file.
- Multiple CVs download.
The Personnel table downloads immediately.
The Skills matrix will be exported and depending on the size of the file (the amount of personnel and skill groups/skills) this may take a few seconds. You can see the progress of the export at the top of the page with a tooltip showing the % progress. When the file is ready for download you will get a message in the notification centre with an option to download the file to your downloads folder.
You can select the skill groups of interest that will download the relevant skills and statuses. Use the search to locate skill groups you want to download more easily. If a skill group is used as filter, this will be populated in the download options facilitating the interested data downloaded. There is also an option for skills that are not assigned to any skill group so those skill statuses can also be downloaded per personnel selected.
The Personnel CV can be downloaded by selecting the download option available per row or in the download button as multiple selected personnel CVs.