Download a CV
Personnel CV downloads provide a simple way to share technician work profiles with potential or upcoming clients.
Customize the contents of the CV for individuals or groups of personnel and download the files in PDF format to provide a quick overview of the relevant experience.
You can choose what to include in the CV from the following options:
- Profile picture
- Name
- Experience
- Based on work package and/or work order
- Additional comments
- Skill certificates
Download a CV
Go to Resources > Personnel in the left-hand menu.
You can download a CV for an individual or for multiple personnel:
Download a CV for an individual:
Click on the download icon in the relevant table row.
Download a CV for multiple personnel:
Check the relevant personnel in the table.
Click Download at the top right of the page.
Click Download CV PDF.
Configure the CV:
- Select a date range for the data included in the CV.
- Check the options you want to include in the CV:
- Profile picture
- Personnel name
- Experience
- Work packages, work orders, or both.
- Skill groups:
- Filtered by skill groups that apply to at least one of the personnel selected.
- Only skill certifications that are still valid will appear on a CV.
- Skill duration
- Choose to include the validity dates of each skill certification.
Click Export.
Your CV download will be processed, and you will receive a notification when it is ready for download.