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Work schedules and rotations

You can set up work schedules and rotations with different recurrences. A work schedule is a period for which an employee is available. A rotation consists of multiple work schedules. If the employee has a rotation, you can add this rotation period to the employee profile. There are three rotation types: rotation, unavailability, and travel. You can configure rotation types in your account settings.

Work schedules

To add a new work schedule to an employee, navigate to the Resources > Teams in the left-hand navigation menu.

From here, there are two ways to add a new rotation:

  • Click the calendar icon on the relevant employee’s row of the Personnel table.
  • Double click on a team member in the table, then click on the Rotations tab, and click Add rotation.

The create-rotation dialogue appears.

You have the following options for recurrence:

  • Daily – choose how often
  • Weekly – choose which weekdays and how often
  • Custom – choose the unavailable and available days that repeat in that pattern

You are required to add:

  • When the workday starts and ends
  • The period the schedule or rotation is available for
  • The home base of the employee

If you select a work package from the Work packages dropdown, the Rotation start and end date/time will update to match the work package.

Add travel

You can include travel time on any Work rotation type by checking the Add travel checkbox and adjusting the travel settings. Travel is accounted for in the conflict resolution tool at the bottom of the modal.

Travel days are linked to the work rotation on which they are created:

  • If you move the work rotation, the travel days move with it.
  • Delete the work rotation or the travel rotation, and the entire, connected rotation is deleted.
  • If you change the work rotation to a travel rotation, any connected travel rotations will update to the same rotation type.
  • You will see a warning dialogue indicating the affected rotations:

Travel days are added either side of a work rotation. For example:

  • Configuration:
    • Work rotation from January 2–March 31.
    • 10 days on, 2 days off.
    • 1 day travel before, 1 day travel after.
  • Result:
    • Travel days are added on January 1 and April 1 only.

A rotation and work schedule can be added to multiple employees at the same time by using the button Assign to multiple personnel at the bottom of the modal.

Solving rotational conflicts

Assigning rotations to multiple team members

If you click on the Assign to multiple button you will be able to select from the menu which members the rotation should be assigned to. After the members are selected, hit save.