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Add weather

You can add weather to bases and assets (WTGs and substations). The weather data you add to your case is used together with any weather criteria you set to simulate weather downtime.

Whether the base or asset weather file is used to determine downtime depends on the logistic and process step. You can see an overview of which weather data is used when on our Base vs. asset weather files page.

You can add ERA5 weather data to your case, which Shoreline provides by default, or you can use your own custom data. If you want to use your own data, you first need to add weather data to your input library.

  1. Open a Shoreline Design case.
  2. Click on the Build tab.
  3. Click on either the Assets or Bases tab.
  4. Click on the relevant base or asset. Note: You can only add weather data to WTG or substation assets.
  5. Click on the Weather tab.
    1. Use ERA5 data:
      1. Use the map to navigate to and click on a grid square. If the square is green, the weather data is already downloaded and immediately available. If the square is transparent, you will need to download the data to your case.
      2. Click Use ERA5 to use the data for the entire file duration or use the date-range dropdowns to define a custom range and click Download ERA5 data from....
    2. Use your own weather data:
      1. Click Select weather from Input Library.
      2. Click on the relevant weather data file.
  6. Optional: Click Apply everywhere to apply this weather file to all assets and bases currently added to the case. Any existing weather files will be replaced.
  7. Click Save.