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Route a vessel from a base

Create custom routes using waypoints and assign the routes to logistic types to follow when departing from a base.

Use the route planner to avoid obstacles and protected areas and account for other environmental or logistical factors.

Route planner overview

Route planner map

The custom routes map interface provides the following tools in descending order as seen in the screenshot above.

  • Zoom in
  • Zoom out
  • Focus
  • Delete all waypoints
  • Delete the first way point
  • Delete the last waypoint
  • Reverse the route direction
  • Change the route color

Click and drag on a waypoint on the map to relocate it.

Add a new route

You can add a new route to a base from your input library or from within a case. Navigate to the base and open the base details to begin.

  1. Click the Route planner tab. Route planner tab
  2. Click + Add new route.
  3. Hover over the new route and click the Edit (pencil) icon. Edit route button
  4. Set the Route name and Color in the General section.
  5. Scroll down to the Waypoints section to describe the route. Create waypoints There are two ways to add waypoints:
    1. Add way points manually: Click + New way point and enter the latitude and longitude as required.
    2. Add waypoints from the map:
      1. Click Edit on map.
      2. Click on the map to place the first waypoint.
      3. Continue clicking to add further waypoints.
  6. Add time delay and speed limit values to your waypoints. Time delay and speed limit inputs
  7. Expand the Advanced options section to set the route inputs. Route planner advanced options
  8. Click Confirm.

Route inputs

Route namexA custom name to reference the route.
Logistic typesThe route is automatically applied to any logistics of the types you select here when operating from this base.

No two routes from a base can share the same Logistic type and Logistic load status.
DestinationsThe wind farms or bases at which the route terminates.
Note: Only available at the case level.
Logistic load statusxWhether the route applies to the vessel type when loaded, unloaded, or either.

Load status affects the vessel draft. Use custom load status routes to, e.g., avoid underwater cables when sailing with a deeper (loaded) draft.
Is default routexWhen a route is marked as the default route, two things occur:

1. When you add this base to a case, all wind farms in the case are set as Destinations on this route.

2. When you add, update the location of, or remove a wind farm from a case, the route is automatically updated to account for the changes.

If more than one route is marked as the default, the routes cannot have the same Logistic load status or share any Logistic types.
ColorxDisplay the route on the map in the selected color.
Time delay (mins)Time a vessel must spend waiting at a waypoint for, e.g., customs checks.
Speed limit (kn)Account for local restrictions or environmental factors that limit vessel speed between certain waypoints.

This parameter affects the speed from the previous waypoint to this waypoint.