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Account Settings: Personnel Custom Fields

You can create custom sections and fields that will appear in the personnel profile.

Create Custom Sections

You can create custom sections that will be shown in the personnel profile if active.

You can reorder the sections as you want them to appear in the personnel profile window. If the section is inactive, it will not be shown in the personnel profile.

Create Custom Fields

You can expand the custom section and create custom fields that will appear in each section of the personnel profile.

Click on + Add Custom Field and fill in all required data.

There are several field type options available:

Select (Dropdown)

Once you've finished, click Save to save the changes.

You can also delete sections and fields. Please note, if those fields already had information in the personnel profiles, that information will be lost.

Apply Custom Data

You can go to Resources and edit any personnel profile to see the active custom section and fields.